The 5-day course gives participants an overview of the topics economists study and of how they approach key problems in the healthcare sector, healthcare regulation, and policy evaluation. It will therefore cover the core topics of health economics in an accessible way.

Dates: 28 October – 01 November 2024

Further information can be found in the course brochure.

Der neue Lehrstuhl für 'Health Economics' unter der Leitung von Prof. Dr. Armando Meier an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Basel sucht eine studentische Hilfskraft (HiWi) mit einem Pensum von 20% (6-8 Stunden pro Woche).

Startdatum: 1. August 2024 (oder nach Vereinbarung).

Weitere Details finden Sie in der Stellenausschreibung.

Join us for a panel discussion on what it takes to achieve universal health coverage in LMIC’s and maintain it in a changing world. Policy makers, global health practitioners, health system managers, researchers, students, and all those with an interest in primary health care and reforms are invited to learn about the experiences of Tanzania on the long road to universal health coverage, and how others can benefit from it.

Please register via this link:


Basel, 22.03.2024 - Das Basel Center for Health Economics (BCHE) und das Swiss TPH werden
in den kommenden Jahren für die Begleitforschung zum Réseau de l’Arc im Berner Jura verantwortlich

The Webinar Series 2024 features three captivating presentations and a roundtable discussion with the editors of prominent implementation science journals.

The webinar flyer can be downloaded here. To register for individual or all webinars, please click here.

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Basel Center for Health Economics

"No understanding of the health care sector without theory. Empirical research is needed to challenge the theoretical predictions. At BCHE we go full circle."
Stefan Felder, BCHE director

The new Basel Center for Health Economics brings together experts in economics and medicine to conduct innovative research and teaching on pressing issues facing the health care sector today.

The center will focus on a wide range of topics, including the economics of health insurance, and of disease prevention and treatment, the allocation of health care resources, and the impact of health policies on patients and populations.

A key goal of BCHE is to bridge the gap between academia and the real world. Through partnerships with industry, providers of health care, health insurers and government, the center will aim to make its research and insights directly applicable to the challenges facing health care professionals and policymakers.

We believe that the unique combination of medical and economic expertise at BCHE will lead to relevant advances in the field and contribute to an improvement of health systems.


The following institutions are affiliated with the BCHE:


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